IMT 16-2024 Master Thesis High-Throughput Microchip NMR

Eintrag vom 30.04.2024
Angebotsnr. IMT 16-2024
Stelle ist zu besetzen ab: 30.04.2024


Pharmaceutical research increasingly depends on microfluidics-based advanced in-vitro models (AIM) based on sophisticated cultures of cells and cell aggregates for pre-clinical testing. Since they can use human cells, AIM are potentially more accurate than animal models. Their introduction is also driven by the recognised need to reduce animal testing. Gaining useful information from AIM is a challenge, as analytical techniques must be at the same time highly informative and keep the cells alive and functional. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy provides detailed, non-invasive, real-time insights into AIM life processes but is currently limited to single sample observation. This project aims to efficiently analyse multiple samples to enable high-throughput operation.

The objective of this Master project is to develop and implement a multisample analysis capability for AIM by NMR, allowing for simultaneous and detailed monitoring of life processes in multiple in vitro models.

The project will develop in three phases:

It is expected that the successful project leads to at least one publication in an internationally peer-reviewed journal.

Persönliche Qualifikation

You are an ambitious mechanical engineer passionate about product design. You should possess proficiency in 3D modeling and practical expertise in programming microcontrollers.


Institut für Mikrostrukturtechnik (IMT)
Contract duration

6 - 8 Months

Application up to


Contact person in line-management

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Marcel Utz or Dr. Sylwia Barker.

Zur Bewerbung Zur offiziellen Anzeige

Art der Anzeige
  • Festanstellung
Gesuchter Karrierestatus
  • Berufserfahrene/r > 2 Jahre
  • Karlsruhe und Umgebung
  • Sonstige Bereiche
Sprache am Arbeitsplatz
  • Deutsch
Art des Unternehmens
  • Wissenschaftliche Einrichtung

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