KIT-Career Fair – everything you need to know
Get to know your specialists of tomorrow: easy and uncomplicated at your job event with a relaxed open-air character. Present yourself as an attractive employer directly on campus on one of the two days of the fair. |
educe waste and logistic costs with us and save yourself a lot of preparation stress: Come – preferably by public transport – with your own reusable materials (e.g. beach fl ags) and bring only a few fl yers or give-aways. Please note that there are no delivery zones on the exhibition grounds! |
You would like to take part? We have these three options on offer:

Basis Stand - for getting to know each other in an uncomplicated wayServices
Information and prices
- High table with two bar stools in the open joint tent with other companies
- Catering (food truck vouchers and drinks) for up to 3 persons
- You bring along: max. one beach fl ag or roll-up, flyers and give-aways in small quantities
- We recommend light luggage due to the approx. 5-minute walk from the surrounding parking lots and underground station.
Information and prices

Pagoda - for the intensive exchange (9m²)Services
Information and prices
- individual pagoda (dimensions: 3x3m) with floor
- two high tables with four bar stools
- catering (foodtruck vouchers and drinks) for up to 5 persons
- You bring along: Beach fl ags and/or roll-ups, flyers and give-aways in small quantities
- We recommend light luggage due to the approx. 5-minute walk from the surrounding parking lots and underground station.
Information and prices

Premium Pagoda - for an exclusive appearance (25m²)Services
Information and prices
- Freestanding large pagoda (dimensions: 5x5m) with floor and additional outdoor area
- one welcome counter, a lockable sideboard, three bar tables with six bar stools
- catering (foodtruck vouchers and drinks) for up to 8 people
- You bring along: Beach fl ags and / or roll-ups, individual decorative elements and accessories such as deckchairs and beanbags; fl yers and give-aways in small quantities
- exhibit by arrangement and spatial availability
- Campus entry permit for delivery and collection
Information and prices
GTC and Service Descriptions
Follow this deeplink GTC and Service Descriptions of the KIT-Career-Fair which will ask you to log in first. Once logged in you will land on the right page. Please note that when booking the KIT career fair, only our GTC will apply.
Which students are you looking for?
Select you most important target group when booking your spot at the career fairThe KIT Career Fair is the official company contact fair of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and is aimed at students, doctoral candidates and graduates from all disciplines. In order to be able to offer as diverse a selection of companies and industries as possible, the available stand spaces are divided into contingents according to the desired specialisations. Within these contingents, places are allocated according to the time of receipt of bookings.
The six different target groups
Architecture & Civil Engineering/ Geo- and Environmental Sciences
Degree programs:
Applied Geosciences
Civil Engineering
Engineering Structures
Geodesy and Geoinformatics
History of Art
Mobility and Infrastructure
Regional Sciences
Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics
Technology and Management in Construction
Water Science and Engineering
Applied Geosciences
Civil Engineering
Engineering Structures
Geodesy and Geoinformatics
History of Art
Mobility and Infrastructure
Regional Sciences
Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics
Technology and Management in Construction
Water Science and Engineering
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology & Mechanical Engineering
Degree programs:
Biomedical Engineering
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Mechatronics and Information Technology
Materials Science and Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Energy Engineering und Management
Financial Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Natural Sciences and Technology Teaching Degree
Biomedical Engineering
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Mechatronics and Information Technology
Materials Science and Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Energy Engineering und Management
Financial Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Natural Sciences and Technology Teaching Degree
Chemical and Process Engineering/Chemistry and Biosciences
Degree programs:
Chemical Biology
Food Chemistry
Chemical and Process Engineering
Chemical Biology
Food Chemistry
Chemical and Process Engineering
Economics and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences
Degree programs:
European History and Culture of Ideas
German Literature
Sports Science
Science - Media - Communication
Management of Product Development
Philosophie Lehramt
Production and Operations Management
European History and Culture of Ideas
German Literature
Sports Science
Science - Media - Communication
Management of Product Development
Philosophie Lehramt
Production and Operations Management
Informatics/Information Systems
Degree programs:
Information Systems
Information Systems
Degree programs:
Meteorology and Climate Physics
Optics and Photonics
Meteorology and Climate Physics
Optics and Photonics