Solid-state elastocaloric cooling based on smart shape memory alloys
- Forschungsthema/Bereich
- Mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, physics and related programs of study
- Typ der Abschlussarbeit
- Bachelor / Master
- Startzeitpunkt
- 03.03.2025
- Bewerbungsschluss
- 01.03.2025
- Dauer der Arbeit
- 4-6 Months
Heating and cooling energy used in buildings accounts for approx. 40% of the total energy demand in Europe. Existing cooling technologies highly rely on the compression of volatile greenhouse gases with high global warming potential. However, elastocaloric cooling utilizes nonvolatile solid-state refrigerants such as smart shape-memory alloys (SMAs), showing great promise as a next-generation technology for achieving net-zero emission cooling and heating.To achieve high-efficient energy conversion and heat transfer, regenerative elastocaloric cooling employs oscillating heat transfer fluids flowing through microchannel regenerators with a large surface area. This project aims to develop an innovative heat-driven regenerative elastocaloric system using smart SMAs, powered by green and sustainable energy sources such as low-grade industrial waste heat and solar thermal energy. This system involves of microchannels in superplastic Ni-Ti material with an optimized surface area, combined with a heat-driven engine that incorporates smart SMAs to attain net-zero emissions in advanced cooling and heat-pumping applications. It is applicable across various fields in thermal management, including microchips and electric vehicles, and domestic cooling, and heating.This comprehensive project provides an opportunity to explore advanced energy technologies for zero-emission cooling and heating, as well as the fabrication of microstructures on smart materials. Additionally, it provides the potential for you to co-author conference and/or journal publications.To carry out the work, the IMT has extensive state-of-the-art equipment (600 m² clean room, rapid prototyping processes such as 3D printing and laser cutting, assembly and joining technology laboratories, various metrological laboratories). Intensive support ensures that the work can be carried out within the given time frame.Voraussetzung
- Voraussetzungen an Studierende
- Your Tasks:
- • Characterization of SMA properties (Mechanical, thermal, fatigue)
- • Modelling, design and simulation (FEM, Numerical modelling, Matlab)
- • Prototype development: Fabrication, performance tests, characterization
- Studiengangsbereiche
- Ingenieurwissenschaften
Elektrotechnik & Informationstechnik
Mechanical Engineering
Energy Engineering and Management - Naturwissenschaften und Technik
- Ingenieurwissenschaften
- Titel, Vorname, Name
- Dr. Kun Wang
- Organisationseinheit
- Institute of Microstructure Technology, IMT
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