Development and Characterization of a gas-liquid contact cell
- Forschungsthema/Bereich
- Mechanical and chemical engineering, physics, chemistry
- Typ der Abschlussarbeit
- Master
- Startzeitpunkt
- 05.05.2025
- Bewerbungsschluss
- 17.04.2025
- Dauer der Arbeit
- 6 months
In many cases Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) measurements take advantage of a special type of hydrogen called para-hydrogen or p-H2 (the singlet spin isomer of the dihydrogen molecule). This gas type can easily be generated from normal hydrogen and enhances the sensitivity of NMR drastically. However, it is not a simple task to supply a liquid sample with equally distributed hydrogen.This master thesis aims to create a modular gas – liquid contactor and introduce a gas with a well-defined distribution into a static liquid volume. A 3D-printed system shall be designed, manufactured and experimentally tested, being able to introduce gas by a membrane into a liquid. The system will be connected to a standardized device using in-house design and 3D printing. In addition to design and manufacturing, one focus will be the characterization of the system. This includes the mechanical stability, leak tightness for gases, efficiency of gas-liquid contacting and performance of the system.
For the design, different CAD systems are available. For manufacturing, a variety of 3D printers for different materials (simple FDM polymer printers, SLA printers, printer for PEEK and LCM printer) are available. A simple characterization test rig for the system has to be set up, using a well-known characterization reaction for the gas transmission and the performance.
The candidate should be experienced in CAD, mechanical engineering, 3D printing. The candidate should at least have an idea of working in a chemical lab and with liquid chemistry.
- Voraussetzungen an Studierende
- Knowledge in CAD and 3D printing technologies, knowledge in materials, physics of fluids. Basic knowledge in chemistry or chemical engineering. Being able to work in a (chemical) laboratory. Working well in a team. Good communication abilities in English and German.
- Studiengangsbereiche
- Ingenieurwissenschaften
Chemieingenieurwesen & Verfahrenstechnik
Materialwissenschaft & Werkstofftechnik
Mechanical Engineering - Naturwissenschaften und Technik
- Ingenieurwissenschaften
- Titel, Vorname, Name
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen Brandner
- Organisationseinheit
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