engineer (f/m/d)

Eintrag vom 23.01.2025
Angebotsnr. 37/2025
Stelle ist zu besetzen ab: 23.01.2025


Your area of responsibility essentially comprises:

  • Participation in the construction of a 2t measurement laboratory (with ~20 instruments, name: CARIBIC) on the Airbus A350 "Erfurt" from Lufthansa, with a focus on electrics, electronics and process and instrument control
  • Development of programmes/software for processing and evaluating measurement data, including collaboration with the "data management" working group
  • Supervision of the CARIBIC measurement laboratory at KIT and participation in regular measurement operations

Persönliche Qualifikation

You bring with you:

  • University degree (master) in electrical engineering, automation technology or a related field of specialisation
  • Programming skills, if possible Python and LabView
  • Professional experience is helpful but not essential
  • High reliability and a strong sense of responsibility
  • Ability to work constructively and cooperatively in a team
  • Flexibility and interest in dealing with new tasks and subject areas
  • Good written and spoken English skills


Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung Atmosphärische Spurengase und Fernerkundung (IMKASF)

Salary category 10 to 11 TV-L, depending on the fulfillment of professional and personal requirements.

Contract duration

3 years.

Application up to


Contact person in line-management

For further information, please contact Dr. Andreas Zahn,

Zur Bewerbung Zur offiziellen Anzeige

Art der Anzeige
  • Befristete Anstellung
Gesuchter Karrierestatus
  • Berufserfahrene/r > 2 Jahre
  • Karlsruhe und Umgebung
  • Sonstige Bereiche
Sprache am Arbeitsplatz
  • Deutsch
Art des Unternehmens
  • Wissenschaftliche Einrichtung

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