Diversity and application process – how to use your assets

Eintrag vom 24.06.2024
Angebotsnr. 117760
Place: Zoom

For you as a student application starts with awareness of your professional profile and knowledge, concerning options on the job market and application procedures.

As an international student you can use your international background as an advantage - by looking for employers that can use your specific language skills and your local expertise for their business in Germany.

As a student of the KIT you can use the specifics of your field of studies to differentiate yourself from other applicants.

So: see your biography as an asset - and try to build a strategy for your future career plans based on that assets!

During the lecture we will

- analyze your professional profile (international background, expert skills gained by studies, relevant individual
experience, core skills - but also wishes) with the goal, to use the outcomes for building a strategy for
- reflect about strategic choices of internships, jobs and/or topic for a master oder PhD thesis
- create first ideas about how to bring together the highlights of your profile and the needs of employers for your
application (written and verbal)

Your speaker is Dr. Eva Reichmann, consultant, trainer and owner of beruf & leben GbR

Please register here: https://plus.campus.kit.edu/signmeup/procedures/2090/register

Ort: Zoom, online

Datum der Veranstaltung: 02.07.2024


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