Research Software Engineer (f/m/d)

Entry from the 15.07.2024
Position number 1292/2024
Job vacancy to be filled from: 16.07.2024


We seek a research software engineer within the EuroHPC Centre of Excellence MICROCARD with a focus on the cardiac electrophysiology simulator openCARP. MICROCARD develops an exascale application platform for cardiac electrophysiology simulations that is usable for cell-by-cell simulations. The platform is co-designed by HPC experts, numerical scientists, biomedical engineers, and biomedical scientists.

In collaboration with the partners in the consortium, you will advance, maintain and deploy openCARP as a production-ready simulation platform for cardiac electrophysiology. In particular, you will

  • be a central point of contact for software contributions to openCARP (new numerical schemes, GPU support),
  • operate and optimize the CI/CD/CB infrastructure, and
  • support users of the software through our established communication platforms.

Persönliche Qualifikation

You are an open and ambitious team player motivated to strive for creative and sustainable solutions? We provide a cooperative and communication-oriented environment in the Computational Cardiac Modeling Group at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering and direct involvement in cutting edge research projects as an RSE.

You completed a PhD or Master’s degree in a relevant field? You have experience in software engineering (C++, Python, web technologies), care about your work and are motivated to work in a multidisciplinary team, have good communication skills as well as a good command of English?

In the best case, you have experience in some of the following areas: openCARP, modeling & simulation of cardiac electrophysiology, numerical linear algebra, PETSc, Ginkgo, high performance computing, Spack, software design, DevOps, Continuous Integration, software deployment, container technology, research data management, open science.


Salary category 13 TV-L, depending on the fulfillment of professional and personal requirements.


Institut für Biomedizinische Technik (IBT)
Contract duration

Until December 2026, might be extended

Application up to

August 15, 2024

Contact person in line-management

For further information, please contact PD Dr. Axel Loewe, phone +49 721 608-42790.


Applications can with the following documents:
•    Cover letter (What’s your motivation for this position? Maximum 2 pages)
•    CV
•    Certificates
•    Thesis/Theses

Zur Bewerbung Zur offiziellen Anzeige

Job type/category
  • Permanent position
Favored career stage
  • Job experience > 2 years
  • Karlsruhe city, Karlsruhe region
  • Other
Language at workplace
  • German
Type of company
  • Scientific institution

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