Application process
According to §20 para. 2 KITG applies to students who are enrolled in the summer semester 2020 or summer semester 2021, or in the winter semester 2020/2021 or winter semester 2021/2022 an individual standard study period deviating from the standard study period, extended by one semester for each of these semesters. Please also apply if you are no longer in the regular study period during the assignment period. If you were on leave in the summer semester 2020, 2021 or winter semester 2020/2021 or 2021/2022 or are currently on leave, please submit a certificate stating the reason for the leave.A KIT Deutschlandstipendium can only be obtained if you have a German account and are enrolled at KIT at the start of the payment of the scholarship.NEXT APPLICATION PERIOD: 07.04. – 24.04.2025 - before that no applications are possible!
Application process
1. Complete the online application form, upload certificates in PDF format - done!
2. You will receive an e-mail confirmation of receipt of the application.
3. In October/November you will be informed by post about the acceptance or cancellation.
Application documents
- Curriculum vitae, 1-2 pages
- Please pay attention to actualityPDF 2: motivation letter
- Length: max. 1-1,5 pages (Model letter of motivation)
- In the cover letter, please also elaborate on e. g. honorary positions, personal circumstances, etc. However, these figures can only be taken into account if there is adequate evidence. Please address the letter of motivation to your faculty, as we will send the application documents to that faculty.PDF 3: Traineeships and work certificatesPDF 4: Proof of professional and social commitment
- The proof must be drawn up by an official body on its stationery (may not be drawn up by itself).PDF 5: Current grade extract (must be dated within the application period)
- Number of credits is obligatory
- Applicants who do not yet have a KIT transcript, please upload their Abitur certificate instead.PDF 6: Other evidence (e. g. prizes and awards, special personal circumstances)PDF 7: University entrance qualification (HZB)PDF 8: Bachelor's certificate
- Students in the Master's program must also add the Bachelor's certificate.PDF 9: Immatriculation certificateIMPORTANT:All documents must be uploaded in PDF format. Note the limitation of data sizes (max. 4096 kB per document). Only one PDF document can be added per fieldOnly if the online application form is completed within the application period can the application be considered in the selection procedure. Other documents submitted by e-mail cannot be considered.
- university entrance qualification
- Bachelor's degree
- Matriculation certificate
- Please note the limitation of data sizes.- If you have completed your Abitur or Bachelor's degree abroad: Only certificates in English that have been officially certified can be recognised. Furthermore, your grades must be converted according to the German grading system.- If you are not yet enrolled at KIT, submit the matriculation certificate as soon as possible.- If you are studying for a Master ’ s degree but do not yet have a Bachelor ’ s degree, please let us know in your motivation letter, upload your Abitur certificate and submit your Bachelor ’ s degree certificate as soon as possible.Please note the General secondary provisionsSelection criteria
- Academic achievements so far- Average grade of university entrance qualification- Special achievements, awards and prizes, a previous professional activity and internships- Extracurricular or extracurricular involvement, such as voluntary work, social, university political or political involvement, or participation in religious societies, associations or associations (The proof of a voluntary activity, which is still practised today, must not be older than one year, otherwise it can no longer be regarded as current voluntary involvement. )- Special personal or family circumstances such as illnesses and disabilities, caring for one's own children, especially as a single parent, or close relatives in need of care, working in the family business, work during studies, family background or a migrant backgroundTips and tricks for applying
In this document we have summarized important hints, tips and tricks for your application.
Do you have any questions?
Please read all FAQ's first. If you still have any questions, please send them to: deutschlandstipendium∂