Registration as a company / institution

Please check if you are already registered. If your company is not yet registered, a form will open.

KIT interns and KIT students can register directly – without registration – with their existing account at the top of login.

If you have any questions, please contact our Support.

Fields marked with * are required.
Search for your company/institution name here and try different spellings if necessary
Enter the sales tax identification number / tax number / VAT here.
An agency is acting on behalf of other companies

Company logo

JPG/JPEG/GIF/PNG max. 1024 kB

Login data

Enter your personal data here. These can be changed at any time after login in your own area.

Personal data

Enter your personal data here. They are used by default when filling out an advertisement, but can be changed at any time after login in your own area.

Alternative address

(if different from the company address e.g. branch/branch office). This is then used as the default contact address for your user account.
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It's case sensitive.