Academic employee in the field of chemistry (f/m/d)

Entry from the 17.02.2025
Position number 68/2025
Job vacancy: From now on


As part of your work at the HIU, your scientific tasks related to battery research include:

  • Synthesis and investigation of cathode materials, electrolytes, binders and electrode formulations for sodium ion batteries
  • Chemical and electrochemical characterization using, among other things, X-ray analysis and optical methods as well as preparation and testing of battery cells
  • Own research work and development of research approaches to SIB
  • Scientific supervision of an activity consisting of doctoral students, master's students and research assistants
  • Writing publications, presentations and project reports
  • Organization and coordination of the working group's activities in the projects "ENTISE" AND "SIB:DE"
  • Preparation of scientific proposals, acquisition of third-party funding
  • Teaching responsibilities may be taken on upon request.

The workplace is in Ulm.

Persönliche Qualifikation

  • A university degree (Master) in the field of chemistry/physics with a completed doctorate, alternatively a degree in a similar field with a completed doctorate, with a research focus in battery research/energy storage
  • Several years of research experience in the field of electrochemistry of energy storage and in the development of electrochemical energy storage
  • Research experience in the development of sodium ion batteries (SIBs)
  • Experience in the scientific management of an activity and with the ambition of an academic career
  • Very good knowledge of spoken and spoken English.

Salary category 13, depending on the fulfillment of professional and personal requirements.


Helmholtz-Institut Ulm für Elektrochemische Energiespeicherung (HIU)
Contract duration

2 years

Application up to


Contact person in line-management

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Maximilian Fichtner, Mail:, Phone: +49 731 5034201.

Zur Bewerbung Zur offiziellen Anzeige

Job type/category
  • Fixed-term position
Favored career stage
  • Job experience > 2 years
  • Karlsruhe city, Karlsruhe region
  • Other
Language at workplace
  • German
Type of company
  • Scientific institution

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