A short-term heatwave and its impact on the European electricity markets and the security of electricity supply

Research topic/area
Energy economics, energy system analysis, disruptive events, heatwave, drought
Type of thesis
Bachelor / Master
Start time
Application deadline
Duration of the thesis
6 Months


Problem / state of knowledge: Heatwaves like those in 2003, 2018 and 2019 have high-
lighted the significant challenges that extreme weather events pose for electricity supply
systems. These events disrupt power generation, especially in thermal power plants that
rely on sufficient cooling water. The resulting interruptions can compromise supply reliabil-
ity, lead to demand shortages, and drive electricity prices higher. Despite the diversification
of Europe’s generation mix, extreme weather events increasingly test the resilience and
adaptability of the interconnected grid. These challenges, along with downstream effects
on electricity markets and retail prices, underline the need to analyse the impact of such
scenarios in more detail.
Research questions:
1. How do heatwaves impact the availability and reliability of thermal and hydropower
plants in Europe?
2. What are the implications of heat-induced constraints on electricity prices and supply


Requirements for students
  • Basic knowledge in the field of energy systems or energy markets
  • Depending on the focus, knowledge of quantitative methods, e.g. data analysis (Python, R), stochastic methods, modeling methods
  • Good knowledge of German and/or English

Faculty departments
  • Economic & law sciences
    Information Engineering
    Business engineering
    Business management
    Other fields of study
    Business Mathematics


Title, first name, last name
Johannes Schuhmacher
Organizational unit
Institut für Industriebetriebslehre und Industrielle Produktion (IIP)
Email address
Link to personal homepage/personal page

Application via email

Application documents
  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Grade transcript

E-Mail Address for application
Senden Sie die oben genannten Bewerbungsunterlagen bitte per Mail an johannes.schuhmacher@kit.edu
