Junior Research Group Leader (f/m/d) in Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations

Entry from the 20.08.2024
Position number 1345/2024
Job vacancy to be filled from: 21.08.2024


The Collaborative Research Center “Wave phenomena – analysis and numerics” (CRC 1173) is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Its goal is to analytically understand, numerically simulate, and eventually manipulate wave propagation under realistic scenarios by intertwining analysis and numerics. See www.waves.kit.edu for a list of participating scientists, topics, and project descriptions.

With this position the CRC promotes outstanding young scientists on their path towards a scientific career. As a successful candidate, you will benefit from an excellent research environment in which you can independently develop your own research project. The position is endowed with a Ph.D. position and a budget for travel and guests. 

Persönliche Qualifikation

  • You must have a Ph.D. in mathematics, some international research experience, and you are in an early stage of your scientific career (ideally between two and about four years after obtaining your doctorate degree).
  • You have demonstrated your scientific independence by excellent publications in Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations, including inverse problems.

Salary category 13 TV-L, depending on the fulfillment of professional and personal requirements.


Institut für Angewandte und Numerische Mathematik (IANM)
Contract duration

limited for 4 years

Application up to

September 30, 2024

Contact person in line-management

For further information, please contact Prof. Marlis Hochbruck.


Please provide one pdf document which includes a CV, a research part of max. five pages comprising a research plan, potential collaborations within the CRC, and suggestions for a Ph.D. project. Please supplement your document with contact information for at least one letter of recommendation, and web links to all publications including your Ph.D. thesis.

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Job type/category
  • Permanent position
Favored career stage
  • Job experience > 2 years
  • Karlsruhe city, Karlsruhe region
  • Other
Language at workplace
  • German
Type of company
  • Scientific institution

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