Tenure-Track-Professorship (W1) „Urban Water Management“
Position number 1061/2025
We are looking for an inspiring early-career scientist in the field of urban water management. The tenure-track professorship is embedded in the research and teaching activities of the Institute for Water and Environment (IWU) and focuses on integrating all components of the urban water cycle and the associated substance flows.
This includes the monitoring and analysis of extreme hydrological events in urban areas and the associated mobilization and transport processes, as well as innovations in the planning and development of technical solutions.
In academic education, your expertise will strengthen the faculty's study programs with a focus on urban water management and related engineering disciplines. Furthermore, you will contribute your knowledge and practical experience to the training and development of young scientists, also serving as a link between KIT and schools.
Your appointment will be based on demonstrated scientific achievements and teaching skills in the field of urban water management. A willingness to engage in interdisciplinary collaboration within IWU and KIT is expected.
You will execute university tasks with a teaching obligation of 4 semester hours per week before the interim evaluation and 6 hours after positive interim evaluation.
Persönliche Qualifikation
The call is aimed at young researchers in an early career phase. Employment is subject to Art. 14, par. (2) of the KIT Act in conjunction with Art. 51 LHG Baden-Württemberg (Act of Baden-Württemberg on Universities and Colleges) as well as to the Quality Assurance Concept for Junior Professorships and Tenure-track Professorships at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
Bereich IV - Natürliche und gebaute Umwelt, Institut für Wasser und Umwelt (IWU), KIT-Fakultät für Bauingenieur-, Geo- und Umweltwissenschaften (BGU)Contract duration
Employment is limited to six years as a civil servant for a fixed term or as a salaried employee. Before the expiry of the third year of work, an interim evaluation will take place. The evaluation procedure and evaluation criteria are outlined in the Quality Assurance Concept for Junior Professorships and Tenure-track Professorships at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Specific interim and final evaluation criteria will include ccommitment and proven quality in teaching, a clear research profile with internationally visible publications and lectures in the field of urban water management, the successful acquisition of projects and the supervision of graduation theses and doctorates.
In case of a positive final evaluation, you will be offered a full professorship (W3).
Application up to
April 21, 2025
Contact person in line-management
For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Nico Goldscheider, phone +49 721 608-45465.
Please mail your application with the relevant documents (curriculum vitae, list of publications, diplomas/certificates, teaching evaluations, description of previous and planned research and teaching activities, research and teaching concept, description of your own contributions in the above-mentioned areas, acquired third-party funds, statement on scientific honesty), preferably as a single PDF file, to Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Division IV via the KIT Department Head of Division Prof. Dr. Johannes Orphal, via the Department of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), 76128 Karlsruhe by e-mail: dekanat@bgu.kit.edu
vacancy number: 1061/2025
One of the strategic goals of KIT is to strengthen diversity and to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching. Therefore, women and members of underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply.
Recognized severely disabled persons will be preferred if they are equally qualified.
As a family-friendly university, KIT offers part-time employment, leaves of absence, a dual career service, and coaching to support the work-life balance.
The processing of personal data by KIT is carried out according to the Privacy Policy.
Zur Bewerbung Zur offiziellen Anzeige
- Job type/category
- Fixed-term position
- Favored career stage
- Job experience > 2 years
- Location/region
- Karlsruhe city, Karlsruhe region
- Sector
- Other
- Language at workplace
- German
- Type of company
- Scientific institution