Academic employee (f/m/d)

Entry from the 04.07.2024
Position number 343/2024
Job vacancy to be filled from: 26.08.2024


Your area of ​​responsibility includes:

  • Conducting high-pressure x-ray experiments in the laboratory and at synchrotron facilities on various single-crystal quantum materials
  • Development and implementation of suitable high-pressure cells
  • Participation in the x-ray diffraction investigation of single crystal and powder samples studied at the institute
  • Preparation of articles for scientific journals, preparation and presentation of scientific talks and posters at conferences.

Persönliche Qualifikation

You have:

  • Scientific university degree in physics, chemistry, crystallography or materials science as well as a PhD 
  • Knowledge of solid state physics and the physics of temperature and pressure-dependent phase transitions 
  • Experience in single-crystal and powder diffraction (measurements technology as well as analysis, structure solution, refinement and evaluation)
  • Knowledge of crystallography and high-pressure experiments (both in handling of high-pressure experiments and in data analysis and crystallographic refinement)
  • Experience with beam times at large-scale facilities (XRD at synchrotrons)

Salary category 13, depending on the fulfillment of professional and personal requirements.


Institut für Quantenmaterialien und -technologien (IQMT)
Contract duration

2 years 

Application up to


Contact person in line-management

For further information, please contact Dr. Michael Merz,

Zur Bewerbung Zur offiziellen Anzeige

Job type/category
  • Fixed-term position
Favored career stage
  • Job experience > 2 years
  • Karlsruhe city, Karlsruhe region
  • Other
Language at workplace
  • German
Type of company
  • Scientific institution

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