Company directory

Here you will find an overview of all companies and institutions that are currently online in the Career Service Portal. Use the search function, for example, to search by postcode or the name of a company.

Tip: In the postcode search, you can enter only the first or the first two digits of your area, for example.

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8 companies in total

L'Oréal Produktion Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
Hertzstraße 175
76187 Karlsruhe, Germany

L-Bank Staatsbank für Baden-Württemberg
Schlossplatz 12
76113 Karlsruhe, Germany

Lab14 GmbH
Margot-Becke-Ring 8
69124 Heidelberg, Germany

Landesbank Baden-Württemberg
Am Hauptbahnhof 2
70173 Stuttgart, Germany
Landratsamt Ortenaukreis
Badstraße 20
77652 Offenburg, Germany

Liebherr Verzahntechnik GmbH
Hertzstraße 9 - 15
76275 Ettlingen, Germany

Loy & Hutz Solutions GmbH
Emmy-Noether-Str. 2
79110 Freiburg, Germany

Tomorrow′s Communications Designed Today
Im Gewerbegebiet 31-33
77839 Lichtenau, Germany