Company directory

Here you will find an overview of all companies and institutions that are currently online in the Career Service Portal. Use the search function, for example, to search by postcode or the name of a company.
Tip: In the postcode search, you can enter only the first or the first two digits of your area, for example.

Full-text search (companies)
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4 companies in total
Karrieretag Familienunternehmen GbR
Ismaninger Straße 113
81675 München, Germany
Kemény Boeheme Consultants SE
Streitfeldstraße 17-19
81673 München, Germany
Keysight Technologies
Herrenberger Strasse 130
71034 Böblingen, Germany
Knuddels GmbH & Co. KG
Kaiserstr. 94a
76133 Karlsruhe, Germany